1970 to 1979


1970 to 1973



May: 的 大学 unveils the new governance structure which came out of the 15-month 长时间自学. 它包括一个学术大会和一个创新的社区参议院 structure in which students, faculty and administrators hold seats in each of the 立法机构. 这种学生在学院管理机构中的混合 反映了六七十年代学生参与的精神.

Other programs begin as part of the college's attempt to explore untapped markets 的学生. 的 new programs include Summer School Without Walls; 大学 Expectations, a summer program for college-bound high school students; 教练特里·博希安's athletic summer camps; and 布鲁斯早期's summer music camps.

New majors are added to the curriculum, including Communication, Geography, and Religious 研究.

一些旧项目被逐步淘汰. 马车屋的戏剧节目必须 由于消防队长对大楼的担忧,已经停止了. 十大赌博登录官网研究所 宗教教育课程(AIRS)已停止.

In 1969-70, Aquinas undertakes a complete self-study, reexamining the college from 从上到下. It is a collaborative effort taking 15 months and involving administrators, 教职员工和学生.

At left: 的 innovative Encore Program made it possible for mature women to complete 他们的大学学历. 通过灵活和不寻常的上课时间,Encore回应了 the special needs of women who had either never begun college or who had left their 他们在五六十年代组建家庭时学历不全. 在 forefront of making educational opportunities available to women, Aquinas's Encore 这个项目让我接到了很多“耶,妈妈”的电话!在毕业的那一天又推出了女入 职业生涯.


东城:东城项目的主要推动者. 坐在后排的李博士. 诺伯特·赫鲁比,总裁 of 十大赌博正规平台在线; Sr. 詹姆斯·劳,O.P. 前排左起是十大赌博正规平台在线的琳达·伊斯利, 托马斯·爱迪生和迈克尔·威廉姆斯.

的 Eastown Community Association is founded in 1973 and is funded for the first three 由世界卫生组织资助,它存在了几年.K. 凯洛格基金会,由 大学. 十大赌博正规平台在线的教授汤姆·爱迪生、琳达·伊斯利和迈克尔·威廉姆斯. 詹姆斯·劳制作了《十大赌博登录官网》!,这是一本在全国发行的案例研究书籍 of how a not-for-profit institution like Aquinas can preserve the 社区 in 它所处的位置.

Sr. 十大赌博登录官网·韦伯.P. 与Hammer and Cortenhof的经理吉姆·盖布(Jim Geib)商量 东区的五金店. 1973年,第一届东城街集市成为一个社区 传统. 富庶街被关闭了当地的企业赞助音乐会和 food booths celebrating the area eventually self-described as "Grand Rapids' hippest 社区."


Ms. 贝蒂·詹宁斯试着弹奏竖琴

的 turbulent early 1970's shift everything from academic programs to styles of dress 和头发.

Semester-in-Ireland程序 is begun by Gertrude Horgan first in Lewistown, Ireland, but moves the following 每年搬到徒利十字街,在那里它找到了永久的家. 一次文化沉浸之旅 students that would not require foreign language competency, the semester in Ireland 项目成为学院最持久的项目之一.

男女同校宿舍 become a sign of the changing times as the old in loco parentis rules fade into the 过去的. 学生们适应了新的生活安排.


Administrators, faculty and student representatives participate in an all-college 在密歇根州的Harbor Springs撤退. 港湾泉撤退的目的是 继续六十年代末的机构自学工作.

1974 to 1976


争议: 毕业典礼演讲嘉宾雪莉·奇泽姆出现在许多争议中. Chisolm U.S. Congresswoman from the Bedford-Stuyvesant area of New York City and figure during 在水门事件听证会上,他一直是罗伊案的支持者. 韦德,和这个支持引起的 强烈抗议,包括死亡威胁. 她紧张地发表了毕业典礼演说 安全.

要了解更多有关争议的信息, 点击这里. This audio clip is from "Historically Speaking," an oral history of 十大赌博正规平台在线.

为eign travel: Aquinas students (from left) Alice Popiel, Tim Wessley, Janet Robach 其他人则加入Sr. 托马斯·布加拉.P. 还有一位禅宗和尚参加茶道 在日本京都.

Bernadette Robach, Mary Jo Muench, Michelle Robach, Tom Engebretsen (from left) and Sr. 托马斯·布加拉.P. 1974年,在日本京都和一个和尚喝茶. 为 多年了,先生。. Thomasine helped Aquinas graduates get English language teaching positions 在日本.

著名神学家Bernard Lonergan S. J. 1974年的演讲 庆祝圣. 托马斯·十大赌博登录官网诞辰700周年. 的 year long festivity was punctuated with programs commemorating the renowned medieval 天主教神学家,学校以他的名字命名.

牧师. 马克·希思O.P. 在庆典的开幕弥撒上讲道 托马斯·十大赌博登录官网逝世700周年纪念日,1月27日.

新的组织结构: C. Arthur Woodhouse, the first lay member of the 十大赌博正规平台在线 校董会. In 1974, the 校董会 became legally independent of the Grand Rapids 多米尼加s 第一次.

职业教育一个20世纪70年代的商科学生在现实世界中体验工作. 的状态 美术计算机设备.

Student Al Duke serves an internship as an assistant in the Work Release Program at the Kent County Correctional Facility, 1975, one of many innovative programs designed 自学活动结束后,学院对我进行了培训.

Joe McCormick takes water samples as part of his field experience in 1975. 新项目 在70年代响应市场需求,专注于就业准备.

At left: 在 1975-76 season, the 十大赌博正规平台在线 "Tommies" become "the Saints" 因为非裔美国运动员在路上被嘲笑为“汤姆”.“在那些 politically charged times, the name had acquired negative connotations, and the nickname “圣徒”一词是由一名学生进行的民意调查选出来的,从那以后就一直在使用.


Emeritus 大学: Emeritus 大学 begins in late 1975 with an exploratory program 由肯·马林教授领导的针对老年人的研讨会. 很快就清楚了 seniors do not want programs focused solely on retirement issues but have a wide-ranging 对艺术、政治和其他学术话题感兴趣. 荣誉退休计划变成 one of the first educational programs in the United States to focus on serving the 五十岁以上人口的教育需要和兴趣.

1977 to 1979


管理学硕士课程 认证. 职业行动计划的成功促使学院进行探索 offering a graduate business degree, but one that would not focus on MBA-style number 处理. Keeping with the college's humanistic 传统, the Master of Management degree gives students the skills they need to advance their 职业生涯 by learning to better manage employees, do strategic planning, and effectively motivate workers. Small class, sizes, convenient course times, and flexible scheduling - hallmarks of 当时的十大赌博登录官网使这个项目从一开始就取得了成功.

Internships: 的 1970s saw a rise in the number of preprofessional internships offered 作为学生就业准备的一部分. 图为一名实习学生在实验室工作

Student Mark John experiences field research first hand, taking samples from a nearby 河.


教练特里·博希安 becomes Athletic Director, and women's coach Pattie Tibaldi leads teams to victory 在1970年代和1980年代的胜利之后.

一场大火之后,昔日的马厩被改造成了牧区中心. 它的名字是 changed to Bukowski Pastoral Center in 1989 to honor the recently-deceased former 在学院工作了三十多年的校长.

(At left) 的 beer tent becomes a regular feature of Gala Weekend, here pictured in 1978.

One of the first programs in the United States to promote for seniors, Emeritus 大学 成为终身教育的领导者. 荣休学院成立于长者宿舍之前 movement by at least one year, and offers life-enriching classes for people 55 and 老.

女子篮球于1978年引进. 教练兼女子运动主管 帕蒂·蒂巴尔迪、十大赌博登录官网成为80年代的强队. 女子体育之花 in the 1970's, with the addition of softball (1977), volleyball (1979), women's track 菲尔德(1979-80).

Sr. Jean Paul Tilmann, O.P.,及. 十大赌博登录官网·韦伯.P. 站在十字路口 位于湖滨大道和富庶街,这是东区的中心.

第一届十大赌博正规平台在线爵士音乐节于1978年举行. 布鲁斯早期. Drawing college jazz bands from around the Midwest, the annual Jazz Festival becomes a fixture at Aquinas for thirty years, giving student musicians the opportunity to 向优秀的专业爵士艺术家学习和演奏.

十大赌博正规平台在线's annual Jazz Festival made the 大学 synonymous with jazz for many 在西密歇根.

In October, 1979, students celebrate Oktoberfest with a tug of war wearing classy 高山的帽子. 多年来,联欢周末一直以啤酒节为主题.

的 大学 begins to enter the new age of computers under the guidance of newly hired 教员Tom Dooley和老兵Lee Jacokes和Charles Frydrych. 自 era of personal computing is just beginning, the early efforts are very much improvisational, 学生和教师同时学习新机器.