口述历史 of AQ


"This is a collective memoir - recollections of some of us who observed and participated in what took place at 十大赌博正规平台在线."
- Dr. Norbert Hruby, former 十大赌博正规平台在线 President and originator of the oral history 项目

 The result of a five year 项目 involving hundreds of taped hours of memories and reflections, "Historically Speaking" is a five Cassette/CD oral history, a sort of "family album" of 十大赌博正规平台在线. The is a circulating copy in the Aquinas Media Center.

Contact Archivist Emily Koelzer at 616.632.2040 or ejk005@talkstoomuch.net for more information on AQ历史

Recorded interviews with former faculty, students, and administrators allow you to turn back the clock to the years when you were at 十大赌博正规平台在线 and hear the history of this dynamic four-year liberal arts college.

"Historically Speaking" is available as a full set of five CD's or cassette tapes, or they may be purchased individually.

CD/Cassette 1: Modest Beginnings: 1931-1945

- Founding of Catholic Junior College
- First academic leaders and faculty
- Facilities and expenses
- Expansion to four-year college
- Impact of World War II 
- Purchase of the Robinson Road campus
- Sr. 艾格尼丝·蒂尔,O.P.
- Sr. Euphemia Poppell, O.P., FF
- Joseph Cavera, CJC, '34
- Mary Schmidt Robach, CJC, '34
——Msgr. Arthur 布可夫斯基, P
- Casimir Razmus, CJC '38
- Helen Imperi Alexander '43
-William Alexander '46
-Mary Elise Marin Henehan '46
-Kenneth Marin '47, FF
-Sr. Jean Milhaupt, O.P., '45, FF
- Charley Beckman '43

CD/Cassette 2: Beginnings on Robinson Road: 1945-58

-Adaption of buildings
- Use of downtown property
- Students and student achievement
- Traditional religious events
- Academic requirements
- Administrators and faculty
- New administration building
- Sale of downtown property
- Marie Elise Marin Henehan '46
- Lyle Morrison '52
- Joseph Murphey '59
- Sr. Henry Suso Lerczak, O.P., FF
- Patricia Geoghan Knop '52
- Margaret Mayan Glinke '56
- Robert Pumford '56, FF 
- Mildred de Alva Marin '47
——牧师. Arthur 布可夫斯基, P 
- Jacob Robinson '57
- Henry Saverson '57
-Thomas Zoellner '50
-Sister Jean Milhaupt, O.P., '45, FF
-Joseph Hansknecht '50
-Sr. 玛丽·布莱德·瑞安,O.P., FF
- Sr. Ann Frederick Heiskell, O.P., FL


CD/Cassette 3: Expansion of Facilities: 1959-1968

- House of Studies
- Academic Atmosphere
- 教师 and administrators
- Social life, cultural atmosphere
- Resignation of Msgr. 布可夫斯基
- Sr. 芭芭拉·汉森,0岁.P., 63, ff, fa
- Russell Hogan '69
- Patricia Kozal '70
- Margaret Duva Haviland '70
- John MacDonald '70
- Cathly McGuigan MacDonald '70
- Charles Frydrych '62, F
- Kenneth Marin '47, FF 
- Joyce McNally, FA
- Sr. 阿玛塔·法布洛,O.P., '61, FF
-Sr. Rosemary O'Donnell, O.P., '61, F
- Sr. Jean Milhaupt, O.P., '45,FF
- Terry Bocian '70, F
-Mary Lou Smith '61
- Betty Jennings, FF, FA
- Larry Burns, '63
-Marian Dougherty Burns '65
- Dennis Lieber '69
- Herbert Martin, FF
- Sr. 十大赌博登录官网·韦伯(O.P., '58, FF
- Sr. 露易丝·谢弗,O.P., '58, FF
- Helen Imperi Alexander '43


CD/Cassette 4: Changing Times: 1969-1986

- Encore and Career Action Programs
- Self Study and changes
- New undergraduate programs
- Master of Management Program
- Expansion of athletic program
- Shirley Chisolm episode
- Harbor Springs retreats
- New building and renovations
- Sr. Marjorie Vangsness, O.P., cjc, '38, ff, ft
- Joan Crandall Hamann '61, FF, FA
- Kenneth Marin '47, FF
- Dr. 诺伯特·赫鲁比,FP
- Dr. Lee Jacokes '61, FF
- Sr. 十大赌博登录官网·韦伯(O.P., '58, T, A
- Dr. Michael Williams, F
- Mary Alice Williams, AF
- Sr. 艾格尼丝·蒂尔,O.P., FA
- Norman Tychson, FF
——Gary Eberle, F
- Sr. 芭芭拉·汉森,0岁.P.62, ff, fa, ft
- Betty Jennings, FF, FA
- Kate Pew Wolters '78, T
- Helen Mackey Lehman '83
- Brian Plachta '81
- Phyllis Schensul '78\Dorothy Lincer '74
- Patricia Ailes '81
- Dr. Michaeleen Kelly, F
- Dr. 格伦·巴肯,F
——John Teusink (FF
- Paul Bieneman, F
- Terry Bocian '70, F, A
- Dr. Andrew Jefchak, FF
- Sr. 阿玛塔·法布洛,O.P., '61, FF
- Paul Nelson, FA, FP
- Edward ("Ned") Smith '61, FT
- Gary Robertson, F
- Sr. 玛丽·纳瓦拉,O.P. '67, F


CD/Cassette 5: Expansion to the Future: 1986-1998

-选择博士. 彼得·奥康纳 as president
- Upgrading facilities
- Brown Center , Reformed Bible College purchases
- "Aquinas Grows" campaign
- 彼得·奥康纳 resignation
- Paul Nelson becomes president
- Curriculum changes
- 教师 achievements
-主教之死. 布可夫斯基
- Service houses and programs
- Computer expansion
- Cultural developments
- Gift from Peter Wege
- Resignation of Paul Nelson
-选择博士. Harry Knopke as president
- Dr. 彼得·奥康纳
- Sr. 芭芭拉·汉森,0岁.P., ff, fa, ft
- Dr. Donald Chaffee, FA, F
- Paul Nelson, FP
- Edward ("Ned") Smith '61, FT
- Dr. 丹尼尔·布鲁克斯,F
- Dr. 蕾妮·斯塔尔,F
- Randy MacGeorge, A
——Brad Winkler, A
- Stella Ferris, A
- Linda Nemec Foster '72
- Dr. David Weinandy, F

Ordering Information

 You may order the complete set or individual sections of "Historically Speaking: Narrative Recollections of 十大赌博正规平台在线通过使用 printable order form (pdf) 或联络我们的 校友办公室 at (616) 632-2494.
磁带: $5 each or $20 for the entire set of 5
cd: $10 each or $40 for the entire set of 5
Shipping and handling is included in the price.